Wednesday, September 11, 2024

In honor of Mother Mary on her birthday - Sept 8, 2024

 Pilgrimage from Annunciation of the Lord Grotto to - Notre Dames de Lourdes Grotto, Vanier - September 8, 2024

In honor of our Blessed Mother - for her birthday
We began with the Litany of Loretto at our Church Grotto

Luzia drove home to park her car and met us afterward at the intercession of Montreal amd Blair. Likewise with Rufina who met us near the Aviation Parkway after driving her car home. 

Jackie and I prayed the Rosary as we walked down Ogilve Road to Montreal Road continuing till we reached the Grotto in Vanier

Luzia joined us at Blair and Montreal Rd.

Rufina met up with us near Montfort Hospital 
We prayed the Angelus around that time if I remember correctly 

We finished praying the Rosary at Tim Horton's near St. Laurent Blvd. then continued towards the Grotto

We Arrived at the Grotto during the Holy Mass where we met Lois

After Mass 
praying to Our Lady

Singing Happy Birthday

After singing to our Lady we had some delicious treats from Luzia and Jackie

Praying the seven Sorrows Rosary

The Stations of the Cross are so beautiful 
The Sixth Station -Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus

 Lois drove us home - Thank you, Lois

My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord
 Dana Scanlon
with photos and videos from the pilgrimage

Short Video
Final Blessing and Hymn to Mary at the end of Mass

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Eat, Pray, Walk - Staying at the Villa Madonna retreat centre in St John NB.

Day 1 - Sunday, September 8th 2024

After arriving Father Dennis gavePat and Barb had a tour of the area 
then dinner at a yummy pizza place.

The Retreat House


Day 2 - Monday, September 9th 2024
September 9, Way of the Cross path at retreat center, another path to river, and lighthouse at Kennabakakis River about 1 km from retreat centre


Day 3 (September 10)

Sept 10, sunset over Bay of Fundy and Barb in the Bay and supper at Cask and Kettle in St John, and lighthouse again

Dinner at the Cask Kettle

Day 4 - Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Chapel at the Center 

Breakfast at Center

in the Chapel

            Caterpillar on flower

September 12

Two hosers on our final walk!

Sept 12, Renforth Beach, near the lighthouse

In honor of Mother Mary on her birthday - Sept 8, 2024

  Pilgrimage from Annunciation of the Lord Grotto to - Notre Dames de Lourdes Grotto, Vanier - September 8, 2024 In honor of our Blessed Mot...